Wiebke B. Beyer was born on August 31, 1967, in the town of Zeven in Lower Saxony / Northern Germany. She is the youngest of five children. For the first ten years of her life she lived with her parents in Mauritania / West-Africa and in Riyah / Saudi Arabia. 1977 the family moved back to Germany and in 1978 to Baden-Wuerttemberg in Southern Germany.
2007 Wiebke emigrated with her husband and their two dogs, Bonny and Clyde, to Texas / USA. She stayed there until February 2013.
Today she lives in Leinfelden near Stuttgart in Southern Germany together with her Little-Lion-Dog Clyde.
She has graduated as coach, is a trained addiction counselor, and engages herself in support groups. She writes and publishes articles on the subject of addiction and alcoholism. She also is the author of an internet blog.